Stem cells uncovered inside teeth have considerable consequences to enrich overall health. Carlsbad dental professional of Los Coches Dentistry, Dr. William Neff recognizes, “with the breakthrough development connected to stem cells present within a non-exfoliating primary (baby) tooth, or wisdom tooth, a formidable potential is certainly available in dentistry. It’s going to be feasible to salvage dental stem cells for potential utilization by every person to improve one’s health care.
This will likely also overcome select groups’ religious, ethical and moral objections to stem cell medical studies.” Scientific research and development has vastly transformed everyone’s day-to-day existence and well-being. The impressive science advancements along the lines of eliminating deadly diseases or replacing human body parts have thrust scientists towards once unimaginable exploration and opportunities.
Controversy has typically been prevalent with stem cells due to the methods of harvesting the stem cells. The primary resources of stem cells have happened to be embryonic tissue, which most likely leads to embryo devastation. Stem cells have the unique ability to become another type of cell to repair or rebuild damaged tissue. Research scientists suspect these cells possess secrets to remarkable medical advancements, such as addressing presently diseases that have no cure, or effectively reconstructing tissue which has been ruined beyond repair.
The scientific revolution of dental stem cells transforms the controversial situation into a noncontroversial concern. Wisdom teeth extractions are normally planned anyhow, and primary teeth would be eventually lost and discarded so they aren’t removed purely for science. Intrinsically, it makes them particularly favorable as a source of stem cells, where a person’s own personal teeth could provide stem cells that might help them into the future. The potential benefits involving stem cells coming from baby and wisdom teeth seems promising. Unlike controversial embryonic stem cells, stem cells from wisdom teeth may be harvested specifically for the donor.
The potential from dental pulp stem cells include developing nerve and brain tissue, repairing muscle, developing bone, developing bone and tissue from the oral cavity, reconstructing affected cardiac tissue, developing cartilage, and treating type 1 diabetes to name a few. In the past, researchers harvested stem cells taken from bone marrow to create cells of various organs, however years of research implies that dental stem cells extracted from a tooth pulp might build organ tissues more quickly. Of major relevance is that UK scientists have ascertained that stem cells derived from tooth pulp effectively prevent a leading cause of blindness caused by traumatic injuries or degenerative diseases as reported in a July 2014 study on Neural Regeneration Research (Vol. 9, No. 6, 2014), University Of Birmingham, UK.
Visiting the dentist could possibly involve more than oral health and well-being. In the foreseeable future, similar to storage of umbilical cord blood, individuals may be able to bank their own stem cells from baby teeth and wisdom teeth. Contemplate that inherited diseases may be treatable with your own dental pulp stem cells. Moreover, regenerating a whole tooth would transform cosmetic dentistry. Carlsbad dentist, Dr. Neff is optimistic of the overall applications and implications.
To learn more about wisdom teeth extraction, children’s dentistry, or cosmetic dentistry contact Carlsbad dentist Los Coches Dentistry by visiting or call (760) 633-4488 to speak with a friendly, knowledgeable associate.